Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Scott Campbell

This artist is really interesting, he does tattoo work as well as his tattoo inspired art. These works are stacks of laser cut dollar bills with many different designs. I have seen laser cut books or similar items, but substituting money for a book makes an entirely different statement.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This is quickly becoming my favorite website. The images here make me want to go to my local walmart and just hang out to see what I could find. Some of these are not so surprising, but like the cat litter one... who knows what people are thinking? The comments are great and really make the images that much better! And while I was blissfully unaware of the number of mullets that still exist today, this website has helped my realize that mullets still stand strong in the walmarts of America.



Monday, September 28, 2009

My Parents Were Awesome

I saw this site and I cant help the urge to go through all of my old family photos. Some of these are great! I love that we have pictures of ourselves like this that may someday wind up on a site like this.
Lorraine Submitted by KyleNancy and Mike Submitted by Liz

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Emma Hack

I found this artist, Emma Hack, and when I initially saw some of the wallpaper pieces, I wasn't too sure I liked the work. It wasn't unitl I saw the works which included birds, a cat and other inclusions that I became interested. Hack has models painted to blend in with the wallpaper; at times the models are hard to decipher while in other images the form can be located immediately. It is the works which have something unexpected that I find myself drawn to. In this piece the model holds a red bird which contrasts greatly with the simple black and white background of the piece. I like how Hack has pushed past the camouflaged figure and added an unexpected element of an animal, a color, or part of the body exposed, to the piece. 0226_hack1.jpg

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Willard Wigan

Willard Wigan in a micro sculptor who works with needles, pins and small nails. Wigan's work ends up to be no bigger than a match head. Some of his works fit upon a grain of sand or on the tip if an eyelash. Wigan works at night as to reduce the impact of traffic vibrations on his work. Wigan finds that he enters a meditative state in order to keep his hand as steady as possible. I love that Wigan's work is so unique, as it is some of the only art which can only be seen when it is under a microscope.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


This is absolutely amazing! While painting is not known for its photographic realism, Dru Blair is able to pull off an amazing painting which is mistaken for a photograph. Seeing the step by step progression of the face as details are added just makes me that much more impressed with the talent displayed in this work.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Polish Film Posters

I love how inventive these movie posters are. The designs may have nothing to do with the film, but the art is humorous, eye catching and so much different from the normal movie poster guidelines. While I may not understand why there is a cheetah wearing a pink panther mask, I do know that the poster catches my attention with its memorable concept.

I found this artist today, Peter Callesen, and I find his paper works to be fascinating! The attention to detail and creativity that he shows is inspiring. I can't help but envy the patience he must have to be able to create these works.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I saw a documentary in class about Bas Jan Ader, a video artist, and I really liked one of the quotes from him...

"thoughts unsaid then forgotten"

this just reminds me of all of the things that come up during the day, all of the ideas that pop up and then go unappreciated.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome to my photo-ness blog...